The Tears of my Youth

The Tears of My Youth I remember my very first encounter with depression. I was only five years old. My mother hit me with the belt that day. I don’t even remember what I’d done. She just got so angry and started hitting me the belt. I was so incredibly sad. It wasn’t the pain of the whipping but the fact that she blew up at me and I upset her so much that she had to go to the extent of beating me. She’d never done that. I never thought she’d ever be capable of hurting me in such an awful way because she was always a good loving and nurturing mother. She was my mother and father as my father died while she was pregnant with me. She always had a warm meal and took me to school. She is a woman of faith. She is a strong Catholic and taught me all about God. How could she do this? I felt so much agony within me. I went and hid under the kitchen table. I stayed under it for hours until the late evening, pressing my knees to my chest sobbing loudly. “How could my mommy do ...