
Showing posts from December, 2013


MY MESSAGE TO ALL OF YOU MY LITTLE GIFTS FROM GOD!   There is HOPE even for the hopeless, There is joy even for the depressed, There is light even in the darkness, There is love even when you hate. Families grow even when they’re apart, Fights bring us together. Medications help us heal, Hospitals restore our sanity. There are second chances after suicide, Whether you are saved or you go to heaven. Don’t give up now. Tomorrow is ahead of you. Dreams come true, even if they’re far–fetched. Dreams keep us alive. Let your soul dance, Let your soul cry. Just be free. Let things be. It’s okay to be afraid. Just face life. You’ll make it through. You have the power to make it. You have control of your life, Always remember that. You might not have control of those crazy chemicals in your brain, But you can control your life. Gear toward the road of recovery. Learn from all my mistakes; I wrote this bo