
Showing posts from 2012

Healing, Beauty, Forever

Healing, Beauty, Forever Hope at Last Forgiveness from a soul that is bleeds Wounded Heart The touch of God Healing, Beauty, Forever The pain from my past The tears of my womanhood Acceptance from God in heaven Even through the contradiction of man Healing, Beauty, Forever Life after Depression The sun is not black The angels sing when she awakes Healing, Beauty, Forever Healing at last Beauty in the everlasting soul Forever in God’s light will she dance Healing, Beauty, Forever Is hope through the seasons of heaven There is life Where there was life no more

Positive coping skills and finding joy in Life

We all know that the shadow of depression can haunt us for months, years and it feels like a lifetime. What I didn't know back when I was battling my suicidal depression was that I can control the way that I cope. My only coping skill years ago used to be overdosing. I have lost track of how many times I've tried killing myself. I'm alive for a reason but back then I didn't know. Any little thing, a break-up, a bad day, an argument with my sister was just a good enough reason to pop all those pills. I didn't want to deal with it. I have learned now in my journey of mental health recovery that although it may be hard to control all those unbalanced chemicals in my brain, I can control the way that I cope. One of my best coping skills has been my spirituality and meditation, believing and praying to my higher power, exercise, family and friends support, support groups, online networking with other mental health consumers, writing in my journal and taking pictures

Holistic Health: Mind, Body and Spirit

Holistic Health: Mind, Body and Spirit Mental health recovery isn’t only about popping pills because medication can only do so much. Working for DMH, I learned about the Holistic approach to mental health. Holistic health is about the mind, body and spirit and how we nurture things elements of ourselves striving for a healthier life and getting to that point of feeling as if we have conquered the battle and the battle has not conquered us. This means that we need to have to learn coping skills that allow our minds to perceive the world is a new positive light. We can learn coping skills by talking to our mental health professionals, psychiatrist, therapist, case worker and attending support groups. There are even online support groups like MD Junction and there you will find a network of mental health peers that will become friends during your journey, together you will uplift each other. We need to seek knowledge. Read, research and even read some uplifting blogs           

Coping Skills

Coping Skills January 23, 2012 Friends I do not give into depression. Actually, I have learned through my recovery that I don’t even like to call it depression. I don’t like the word depression, nonetheless feeling it. If I have an episode it will last like three days and then I pump myself back up and keep going on. I think about positive energy and light. Negative energy be gone! Positive energy welcome! I reject those horrible feelings with empowering words and affirmations. Yes I can! I am a survivor not a victim! I will get through this. I am a beautiful strong human being. There is light in my soul. God is with me. I have found healing. These are my coping strategies. I hate it when things are dark and gloomy, why be sad when you alone have the power to transform those feelings of despair by finding the resilience of your spirit. There is life after horrible things happen, a beautiful bountiful life. God didn’t make you to be weak but to be courageous and fight. The pe

Positive Energy and Affirmations

I had an epiphany one day after a serious overdose on my medication. I had been battling depression and suicidal ideation since I was a teenager. My first suicide attempt was at the tender age of 14. My mother said she lost track of how many times I tried killing myself and my therapist said I had too much negative self-talk.   I hit rock bottom after my former boyfriend was shot and killed in the violent city of Compton, CA.   I began to abuse alcohol and self-medicate. I lost my job and apartment and was on state disability and food stamps. My friend welcomed me to her home and we shared a room. Then on one horrible night I felt as if suicide was my only escape. I overdosed on my medication at about 10pm and my roommate came home drunk at 2am. She didn’t realize what I did. I remember coming in and out of consciousness. I remember that I tried to suffocate myself with the pillow and my roommate pulling the pillow away from me.   My roommate didn’t call 911 until 7am after I fell