Stigma Stops Here!
Stigma Stops Here
I was having a smoothie with a good friend from high school. She found
me on facebook. I have not seen her since I graduated in 1998. We decided to
get together at a coffee shop to have smoothies. Her name is Janet and she
works at Shurr High school in Montebello. She used to work at our former high
school as well Montebello High. She was telling me that there are a lot of kids
that are hurting and have attempted suicide. She also told me that a lot of
kids abuse alcohol and drugs. She told me that there is a Suicide Prevention
Team on the campus site. She also told me that there was a group of teenagers
that called themselves emos and they cut themselves. We
sat at the Daily Brew enjoying our smoothies. We were having a nice
conversation about everything that has happened since high school. We were
catching up. I was telling her about my mental illness and psychosis. I told
her that I’m a graduate student, striving to become a Social Worker so I can
help others like myself. I told Janet about the psychosis I have experienced
all the embarrassing delusions, such as the time I thought the world was ending
and tore off my clothes in the parking lot of superior warehouse because we had
to be like Adam and Eve before they discovered sin. Janet was very compassionate
and listened to me as a good friend with a beautiful heart.
Suddenly, a short and chubby middle aged Latino man came to talk to us.
He said, “Oh hello I was listening in on your conversation, don’t mean to
listen but I did. I overheard that you are an author. I’m always looking for
writers.” Then he tried to impress us. He said he was an independent producer
for Chicano films. He tried to impress me with his Ipad showing me a clip of a
Native American choking a Latina woman at the river. It was horrific. He said,
“This is one of my films.” He proceeded to tell me he did work at a church. “So,
what is you book about?” I said, “Oh my book is about a Latina and her journey
through mental health recovery.” He stated, “What is the name of your book?” I
told him it was titled Bipolar Girl: My Psychotic Self. He became very
energetic about the issue and said “Oh that book is about locos!
You know crazy! He even spun his finger by his ear. It’s about somebody crazy.
I can tell by the title.” I kept my cool and stated, “Crazy is not a clinical
term.” He hypocritically shook my hand and said, “Well, good luck.” He also
shock Janet’s hand and we said that the man is so ignorant.
My rage was about to erupt like a volcano. Janet said, “This is really
bothering you. I can tell. He is just ignorant. Do you want to go?” And so we
left. We gave each other a hug and said that we would meet up again soon. I
will pray for that man.
Ignorant people stigmatize us all the time. I used to work at a Board
and Care. I was a Peer Bridger that offered hope to the residents that were
living with a mental illness. We would take the mentally ill residents for
walks. The mentally ill residents would say hello to all the neighbors.
Especially one of my dearest residents, he was very flamboyant, bleached hair,
and nice sweet smile. He always had me laughing. He said that he was going to
go hang out in Hollywood with all the famous girls with their chiguagas in their purses. One day during one of my group
walks. My dear mentally ill resident told some neighbors, “Hello! I love your
little dogs! They are so cute.” The neighbors looked afraid. Not one neighbor
said hello our mentally ill residents as we walked in a group down the streets.
Instead the neighbors gave the mentally ill Board and Care residents dirty
looks. What is the world coming too? That is why it’s our people to educate
people like them. We need to advocate for our cause! I
will tell you one thing I will use my words and testimony to help the people
who read my story. I always prayed to God when I wrote my book. I prayed that
if I could save one person from suicide, touch one heart, just one person, then
all my suffering has been worthwhile. I would go through that pain all over
again. It’s my job to be an advocate for the people living and surviving mental
illnesses! I need to demonstrate to the world that ignorant people need some
serious education! My
mission in my community started when Blanca de Leon asked me if I could share
my recovery story in the Northeast Wellness Retreat. I shared my story in front
of about fifty people, mental health professionals, mental health consumers,
and dedicated volunteers. I sat there enjoying the retreat and celebration of “hope,
wellness, and recovery.” This is the LA County- Department of mental health’s
model. I realized it was a huge honor. When I completed my speech everyone
started clapping and asking questions, there were handshakes, hugs and
pictures. There were even people that asked me for my autograph. They told me
how inspirational I was to them. It was really awesome.
Upon my speech at the Northeast Wellness Retreat, I got an email from
Kathleen Piche, the Public Information Officer at LA County DMH. She said that
she heard about me through Northeast and she wanted to know if I could write my
recovery story for the Department of Mental Health’s E-News. I wrote the story
and Kathleen loved it. She said it was a beautiful story. She published my
story online for our DMH E-news, along with a picture of my book and a link to
where it can be purchased.
A couple of months later, I got an email from Kathleen and she wanted
to know if I would be interested in getting interviewed for the Los Angeles
County Department of Mental Health Public Information Office for a weekly radio
show with The Free Your Mind Projects. They have organization to that
share stories of inspiration and hope. I went to the radio interview and was
interviewed by two wonderful people Brian Canning and Wendy Almasy. I had a
wonderful time at the interview. It was such a fun experience. I was able to
share with them my inspirational mental health recovery story and also share
laughter about my delusions and quest to want to meet Britney Spears in the
psychiatric hospital. Wendy motivates me and says things like, “You go girlie!
You are an advocate and a total kick ass girl!” The interview aired on a Sunday
morning and my family, friends, and co-workers listened to it. They were so
proud of me.
January 12,
Through the Free Your Mind Projects radio interview, I was
contacted by the Ashley Reitzin, Program Manager, of the International
Bipolar Foundation. She worked with the founder of the International
Bipolar Foundation, Muffy Walker. Ashley was a total sweetheart and asked
me if I would be interested in giving a lecture in San Diego for the International
Bipolar Foundation. I said yes and even started blogging for the
international bipolar foundation.
My lecture for the International Bipolar Foundation was titled My
Recovery: A Story of Hope and Inspiration. Junior and my niece Caroline
attended to support me. About forty people attended and I received a lot of
positive feedback. There were a lot of questions and I had a book signing.
Truly it was a wonderful experience. My lecture was filmed and is available
Upon my lecture, I had an amazing opportunity. Kathleen Piche asked me
if I would be interested in being interviewed for the LA County DMH television
magazine, Meeting of the Minds. It was such an honor. It was so super
fun! I posted it on facebook and twitter. Kathleen told me that it got a lot of
views on youtube. I emailed it to all my friends! You can watch it on youtube. My dear peers, it is through sharing
our stories of courage and survival that we build massive public awareness. We
need to advocate and educate the public. We need to continue to share our
stories of mental health recovery to eliminate the stigma associated with
mental illness. I’m on a mission to send a message of hope and survival all
over the world. I have a mental illness and you better believe I’m proud of it.
I am proud to M.E, Maricela Estrada.
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