Starbucks generosity after I recovered from COVID

 My husband and I as Christians have always been compassionate to the homeless population. We always give to the homeless, buy them food and give them money and resources. There was one homeless lady my husband had compassionate for and touched his heart. He prayed with her and bought her Taco Bell and tried to find a shelter for her with no luck. He ended up building her a little tent and we gave her water and blankets and a pillow  that night. The following morning we worked harder on finding her a shelter with no luck. We took her to Starbucks for breakfast and after hours of trying to find a shelter I decided to buy her a tent and take her to downtown LA. I bought the tent at Target and the Christian retail clerk was very kind. I let her know I was buying a tent for a homeless woman and she thanked me for my kindness. She told me to take the homeless woman to the Mission shelter and told me God bless you. My husband and I drove her to the Misson shelter and I gave her some of my sweaters. We told her God bless you and she was so happy.

My husband and I have always been financially secure and Starbucks has always been my favorite treat. I never thought there would every be a day that I couldn’t afford Starbucks-that is until my husband and I got diagnosed with COVID-19. My husband had it worse then me since he didn’t get the vaccine. He was so weak. I had the first dose of the vaccine and it didn’t feel as bad until my ribs started hurting so bad and Kaiser told me I developed respiratory problems. I was diagnosed with Covid on 5/2/2021 and I’m still have lingering symptoms like really bad chills when it is over 100 degrees.

Finally after one month of being sick and the doctor clearing me that our quarantine was over, I went back to work and forgot my lunch. Since my husband and I didn’t work one whole month, I couldn’t afford to buy a full lunch. I literally only had $5 in the bank. I had a doctor appointment at 3pm that day. I skipped lunch at work but decided to go to Starbucks and pick something up. I realized when ordering of course that I had to decide between my latte and egg white bites. When ordering at the speaker, the girl asked me if I was sure I didn’t want the egg white bites. She must have noticed the hesitation in my voice because when I got to the windows they handed me my latte and said, we have a surprise for you. They handed me a bag with the egg white bites and said we knew you really wanted this. I was blown away at their kindness. I didn’t even know what to say, all I could do was smile and say “aww thank you so much.” As I had my latte and egg whites bites I prayed and thanked God for the kindness Starbucks staff demonstrated towards me. I don’t know how they knew I was in need. I was wearing professional attire. All I knew was that God was good and he used Starbucks staff for a beautiful act of random kindness. They have no idea what that meant to me. I realized suddenly that the good we do in this world comes back to us someway. I told the homeless lady to order whatever she wanted at Starbucks the day we picked her up and the day I wasn’t able to afford Starbucks, Starbucks staff gave me what I wanted and couldn’t afford for free. My heart is glowing. Thank you Starbucks! Although we are in a pandemic, it’s nice to know people have truly gone  above and beyond to demonstrate compassion.


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