When She Dolls Up



            It is clinically evident that I had so much anxiety, depression, mood swings, and psychosis and that caused functional impairments. I was not even able to maintain my activities of daily living. Even taking a shower was a challenge so bad that I needed reminders from my husband. You can forget about putting on make up and when I walk my dog, Gypsy Blue, I sometimes don’t even put a brush through my hair. You should see me teleworking I really do look like a cave woman, barefoot, messy hair, mismatched clothes and yoga pants.

            Finally, I knew I so desperately needed a makeover. I called my friend Silvia Monroe Baez, HairColorist. Silvia is absolutely beautiful ebony-black hair, red lips, and porcelain skin. She always looks stunning and presentable. I knew needed to be more like her and she was the right person to call.

            I went to Jae Valentine Hair Studio, and upscale classy salon in the city of Downey. I was so completely overwhelmed that for a moment I made Silvia not only my HairColorist but my personal therapist. Silvia is such a good listener and listened to all my problems while doing my hair. I felt so bad thinking, poor Silvia is probably listening to a lot of problems while people sit on her salon styling chair.

She colored my hair a beautiful vibrant red and gave me a stylish haircut, with lawyers and bangs. She also did the brazillian blow and flat ironed my hair.

I know she must have been exhausted but my goodness she made me feel so beautiful and glamorous. I loved my vibrant red silky hair and with my classic red lipstick. I put on a cute outfit and forget for a moment all the chaos in my mind and in the world. She even called me a trophy wife. I know there are so many women that missed their salons and were thrilled when they opened up again. Jae Valentine Hair Studio sanitizes everything and even take my temperature when I walk in, practice social distancing, and have me complete a form regarding COVID-19. I always felt safe going there.

            I started going to Jae Valentine Hair Studio every three months and every time I went, I left feeling like one million bucks. I was so grateful to her for making me feel beautiful, I designed her business cards for her birthday. She was thrilled and happy and said, and kept saying it was the best birthday gift ever.  I have never seen anyone that happy to get a gift from me. When she arrived to my home to pick up the business cards she arrived with a beautiful bath gel, bath salt and lotion gift in a little birdcage with a pink heart balloon.  I was so happy thinking, “Gosh Silvia has a golden heart.“ It wasn’t even my birthday.

Silvia stayed for a while at my home. I didn’t look that great. I looked like a plain Jane with barely any make up however my hair looked amazing with the brazillian blow out. Silvia stat on the couch with me and comforted me as I told her that I didn’t like to get ready anymore and only dress up for a special events or when I go in the office. She looked at me with compassion with her beautiful big- brown eyes and long eyelashes and said,  to me and my husband, “I know it is hard but boy when she dolls up.”


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